Dual Kinect2 point-cloud registered(javascript & WebWorkers) V1

Two Kinect2 devices connected to two PCs stream data over web-sockets. The Javascript generates the point clouds and aligns the frame arrival time and represents them in the browser.

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Dual Kinect2 point-cloud registered(javascript & WebWorkers) V2

Pointcloud streaming registration, timing alignment, skeleton data overlay. Uses Javascript-websockets and React(UI control), ROS to align and generate data and webworkers to show it in the browser.

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Speed and Separation Monitoring with VREP ZMQ DSI AbsMinDistance

Speed and Separation Monitoring with VREP ZMQ DSI Emulated Tof Rings

Speed and Separation Monitoring with VREP ZMQ DSI Ideal TOF Distances

Speed and Separation Monitoring using TOF sensors with LED Feedback