About the LAB

Century Mold Collaborative Robotics Laboratory (CMCR) is a company sponsored research laboratory. Here we work with a team of graduate students on research addressing challenges of human safety, trust in automation, level of human robot interaction, and increasing productivity in the field of Human Robot Collaboration in industry.


Speed & Separation Monitoring using on-robot Time-of-Flight laser ranging sensor arrays

A speed and separation monitoring (SSM) based safety controller using three time-of-flight ranging sensor arrays fastened to the robot links, is implemented. Based on the human-robot minimum distance and their relative velocities, a controller output characterized by a modulating robot operation speed is obtained. To avert self-avoidance, a self occlusion detection method is implemented using ray-casting technique to filter out the distance values associated with the robot-self and the restricted robot workspace. For validation, the robot workspace is monitored using a motion capture setup to create a digital twin of the human and robot. This setup is used to compare the safety,performance and productivity of various versions of SSM safety configurations based on minimum distance between human and robot calculated using on-robot Time-of-Flight sensors, motion capture and a 2D scanning lidar.

Monitoring human physiological responses to improve interactions with robots

A framework for monitoring human physiological response during Human-Robot Collaborative (HRC) task is presented. The framework highlights the importance of generation of event markers related to both human and robot, and also synchronization of data collected. This framework enables continuous data collection during an HRC task when changing robot movements as a form of stimuli to invoke a human physiological response. It also presents two case studies based on this framework and a data visualization tool for representation and easy analysis of the collected data during an HRC experiment.

CM Collaborative Robotics Research Lab- A Digital Twin Simulated in V-REP

On-Site deployment test of UR5e assisting in the process of injection molding with custom design gripper and feeder.

Simulating UR 5 robot Pick-Place operation in Injection Molding process

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